Отзыв "Отзыв от пациента Leila"

I would like to express my congratulations for Doctor’s day to the most dedicated, caring, compassionate and the most wonderful Doctor. Words of compliment and appreciation are lost to praise how he cures people ,bringing them health, happiness, joy and warmth , spreading smiles to gloomy faces and giving life to lifeless lives. He is donig more than prescribing medicine , he is treating more powerfully with his positive energy, kindness , patience and sympathy. He is the most deserved one to be in the position of life saving. Thank you

Комментарии к отзыву: 1

Комментарий # 1 Официальный представитель
Leila. hello! Thank you for your congratulations. We conveyed your words to Dmitry Anatolyevich. All respects of the Medical Management.

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